Wednesday, December 22, 2010

All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth...

For a good portion of my childhood I did want my two front teeth (I got my 2 tooth implants finally when I was 19).  I don't need anything, but I don't go shopping as often as I used to and as I have been picking out things for people on my Christmas list I think of all the things I wouldn't mind getting myself because they are sooo cool (but I don't really need).

1)  Top on that list is one of Craig Mitchell Smith's amazing glass flowers.  One of the really really big ones that would stand out in my garden year round.  They are durable through the winter and glisten with color in the snow.  Actually, I want like 10 of them and I can quit planting flowers in the spring then.
Craig now has his own working studio space and gallery in the Meridian Mall so you can go pick out your favorite piece any time of the week! 

2) Addi Turbo Knitting Needles. Every knitter needs to at least try these.  Woven Art has amazing amazing yarns too, but I am best at purchasing yarn when I have a project in mind.  These knitting needles feel like butter in your hands and I really do feel that I knit faster with them.  I've been slowly replacing my old aluminum knitting needles with these guys as projects demand different sized needles.  I just bought the Click-it set which is 10 different sized needle tips that can click into 3 different lengths of circular wire. <3

3) October Moon has tons of cute gifts for the home (food-ie things, bath stuff, candles etc..) but they also have an amazing selection of my favorite purse brand: Hobo.  Beautiful, durable colored leather, yum!

4) Grace Boutique is right next door to October Moon.  I'm pretty sure you can't go wrong with anything from there.  I love all of their clothing and accessories! (The majority of my cocktail dresses I get from there.)

5) Grove Gallery Co-op: Of course, I'm biased because I show my work here, but we have guest artists in for all of November and December so we have quite the mix.  This year we're even selling gift certificates so if you know someone who should come in and pick something out for themselves you can send them over with that as a gift!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thank you Capital Area Women's Lifestyle!

I was pleasantly surprised while flipping through the December 2010 Issue of the Capital Area Women's Lifestyle Magazine.  The middle outfit on page 22 under "New Year, New Fashion" has one of my newer bangle designes that I am carrying over at Jeanologie in East Lansing.  The below image is just a scan (which is why it's not so sharp), but you can go to Capital Area Women's Lifestyle Magazine and see the outfit clearer HERE.

These bangles have been fun to play with different colors and I have been getting into swarovski crystals and pearls as their accent beads.  Please feel free to contact me if you need a certain design! I can put on together in a day or two.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bamboozled Bangle

I love to get inspired by other artists, painting in particular is something I don't do very well myself and I really appreciate the work going into it.  This piece was specifically inspired by a watercolor painting that I saw hanging in the Lansing Art Gallery's upstairs main gallery themed "4 Seasons."  The piece is called "Bamboo I" and "Bamboo II" by Angelis Jackowski.

When I saw her paintings in this show I was absolutely taken.  The rich dark colors of the watercolor are amazing as well as her composition.  The first one I noticed was of waterlilies, but when I looked at the opposite wall I thought "that's how you do bamboo!"

I had attempted to create a bamboo bangle of a single bamboo branch a while back and felt that I failed miserably and that it was a bad design altogether.  So I figured that the inspiration of bamboo was dead in the water for me.  This painting though began to haunt me and I got inspired.  I looked up the Lansing Art Gallery website and to my luck the painting was right there on the front page!  I printed it, got out my bead graph paper and colored pencils and got to work.  Just the drawing of the pattern probably took me 4 or more hours, I wanted it to honor the inspiration.

As I began rifling through my beads, I realized that part of the reason I was so struck by this piece was it's in my colors.  I pulled 57 tubes of beads (all different colors) that could go with the theme for this piece I was creating.  57 bead colors gets overwhelming so I broke it down to 13 or 14 colors.

The bangle doesn't look exactly like the painting (as it shouldn't, it's beads), and I wasn't sure that it looked quite like bamboo as I made it, but I have worn it the past 2 days and a few people have said it looks like bamboo.  This will be one of the application pieces to Ann Arbor Art Fair. 

This piece measures approximatley 3 inches wide and is slightly larger circumference than my usual bangles.

Angelis Jackowski's work will be up for the 4 Seasons show upstairs in the Lansing Art Gallery until the 23rd of December, so stop in and go see it!  (And get in some of your holiday shopping with local artwork!)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Beadwork, new designs for 2011

This summer I got a kick in the pants from my favorite hat guys, Rod and Ignatius (Ignatius Hats) while I was wandering around the Ann Arbor Art Fair.  Since I did the fair as an Emerging Artist in 2004, I have only participated with the Ann Arbor Fiberarts Guild and renting street space from the pizza place I worked at in college, New York Pizza Depot. 
It seems that some people are sick of me not having my own booth space.
I have applied in the past (only to 1 of the 4 Fairs that go on at this time), but my work and slides were just ok. So I have come up with a plan. 
I'm going to apologize if my stock for Holiday this year is suffering, or you aren't seeing too many new items.  My beadwork is taking a major shift.  Instead of just working in graphing and peyote-stitching my bangles, I have begun integrating different beading techniques and more than just the delica-seed-bead-bangle that I am known for.
I think the bangle bracelet is still my favorite form, but I'm pushing it.  I also recently purchased a dress form to work on piecing beaded necklaces together on.  The goal is to have 5 amazing pieces that I can then get professionally photographed and entered into the Original Street Art Fair by January.  If you don't see much of me, or I have my beads out while you're around me, I'm not being rude, I just need to get this done.
I'm sure you have seen my recent "Leaves Between Bangles" which will be one (or two) of the pieces entered.  I am working on a larger bangle that is woven together with the stitch I  have been using for the lariat necklaces, here is it's almost-final stage (I am going to order some fun accent beads for it!).

The peacock bangle will be another piece, but in slightly different colors than before, with possibly some bugle bead accents.

I am in the midst of a new inspired graphed piece that is larger (in width and diameter) that I am also really excited about.  If you're following me on twitter, you got a sneak peek on Thanksgiving weekend.  It will be getting it's own blog, look for "Bamboozled" as the name of the piece (I think anyway).

The necklaces are still rolling around in my head and on paper so expect more to come when the bangles are done.  Since the bangles are solidified as what I am doing, then I will have a better idea of what colors and beads to use with the necklace designs so that the grouping looks cohesive.

This is a really fun project for me, it's just the deadline that's killing me, and trying to make the pieces look cohesive, the way in which I work and am inspired never bodes really well as a "set."  We shall see how I do.  Any comments, critiques, suggestions would be appreciated and taken into consideration!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wintergrain Soup Recipe

So whenever the weather starts to turn here in Michigan I crave soups.  This week has been a specific craving for my mom's Wintergrain Soup Recipe.  I can't recall which of her recipe books its from but it is a hearty vegetarian recipe.  It's not a quick soup to make, but it is so worth taking the time, so here it is:

Wintergrain Soup
1/2 cup of whole wheat berries
2/3 cups lentils
1/4 cup barley
1/2 cup brown rice
1/4 cup butter
2 teaspoons of thyme
1 1/2 cups cubed potatoes
1 1/2 cups sliced carrots
1 1/2 cups sliced celery
1 1/2 cups yellow onions
1 teaspoon celery seed
2 large cloves of garlic minced
1 tablespoon vegetable seasoning
1 tablespoon vegetable powder
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon granulated garlic
1/4 cup parsley flakes
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 cup corn
1 cup peas
3 oz. cream cheese
1 cup sour cream
1 cup grated cheddar cheese

1) Prepare wheat berries ahead of time according to package (bringing to a boil then simmer for a hour)
2) In a 6 quart+ pot combine berries, water, lentils, barley, brown rice, butter and thyme.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat.  Cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
3) Add potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, celery seed, and garlic.  Bring again to a simmer and continue to cook covered until grains and veggies are tender.  Approx. 30 minutes.
4) Stir occasionally, add veg. seasoning, veg. powder, onion powder, garlic powder, parsley, soy sauce, corn and peas.  Reduce heat.
5) Blend 1/2 cup of water and all cheeses and add to soup.
Heat through and its ready! Yum!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Holiday Events

As I slowly clean up my place from the aftermath of Halloween at the house I am attempting to get my brain in gear for the multiple Holiday Sales coming up.  I would rather be basking in the afterglow of costumes, glitter, candy, chili and Rocky Horror Picture Show.  But alas, it seems that the wreaths, snowmen, giftlists and christmas sales have been going since August so I better get to it!

Here is what's coming up for you holiday-shopping-handmade lovers:

This weekend! Greater Lansing Weaver's Guild Sale
Friday November 5th, 12:00 noon -9:00pm
Saturday November 6th, 9:00am-4:00pm

Holiday Opening and 1st Sunday Gallery Walk
Grove Gallery Co-op
Sunday, November 7th, 12pm-4pm

Ann Arbor Fiberarts Guild Sale (1 Day only!)
Saturday November 13, 10:00am-4:00pm
(I will also be bead-demoing next to the jwewlry table all day)

Online charity auction in support of the Wounded Warrior Project
Beaded Blob Earrings
Hosted by eBay, November 26th-December 6th

Art for the Soul hosted by MargaBeth Cibulka (at her fabulous home in Williamston)
Saturday, December 4th, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My First Zombie Prom

I saw Zombie Prom on Lori's facebook update last year and not only thought it looked fun, but was sad I missed it.  So this year when I heard on the radio (thank you 97.5 Now FM) that it was Friday night, and we were planning on doing something, I jumped on it! 

The thrift store didn't have much for an interesting dress to rip up, so Megan had the good idea to go with something sassy and cheap from Wet Seal.  I haven't been in that store since high school, but we definitely found sassy + cheap there.  I went with a loud animal print that Megan and a teenager in the dressing room helped convince me was a good idea.

In my google searching of zombie costumes I avoided anything that said to use Spirit Gum since I have had terrible skin reactions to it, there is a lot out there that talks about water soluble liquid latex.  I did an early tester on my hand and it didn't irritate me at all and was comfortable on my skin.  The only thing is you do have to have patience with layering it on since it takes time to dry.

I did a fast and loose job but I really wanted a gash or two so I tried this "cheap" way of making gashes with toilet paper and layering liquid latex.  (Scroll to the bottom of this link to see the video.  It makes a lot of sense!)  It worked pretty well, I would probably put some skin-toned foundation on the toilet paper when I do this again so that I don't have to slather as much white makeup on my skin to even the edges of the toilet paper. 

I got tons of compliments on my cheap "going out" zombie dress, we danced all night and a huge thanks to Sprial Dance Bar for putting on the zombie prom and having good DJs!

(Hopefully pictures to come soon!)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"To Autumn" Grove Gallery October Show

For the month of October grove Gallery Co-op is inspired by John Keats!

John Keats (1795-1821)
SEASON of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;

Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;

To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;

To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
 With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,

 And still more, later flowers for the bees,

Until they think warm days will never cease,

For Summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.
Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?

Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find
Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,

Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;

 Or on a half-reap’d furrow sound asleep,

Drows’d with the fume of poppies, while thy hook

Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers:
And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep

Steady thy laden head across a brook;
Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,
Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.
Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they?
Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,—

While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,
And touch the stubble plains with rosy hue;

Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn
Among the river sallows, borne aloft

Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;
And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;

Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft
The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft;

And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Daphne's Necklace Design

I am currently working on a comission for a friend and trying to keep it in-price range and I wanted to do a test piece.  I'm just going to call it Daphne's design since she kind-of dreamed up how she wanted this piece to come together.

It is a take off of my Midsummer's Fairy Dream Lariat, but mostly the style of the St. Petersburg chain and the way it lays.  It's also a really comfortable beaded necklace chain to wear.  I did a little less baubles and leaves on it than the original necklace design also and I think it has turned out really nice and delicate looking.

This particular piece has a hidden hook clasp at the front-back of it, but I am going to use a box clasp on future ones because it will be far easier to put on.  I am in the process of making Daphne's and will post it when it's done!

This piece is at the Grove Gallery Co-op for the month of October.

Friday, September 24, 2010

"Granery" Golden themed jewelry for October

I had a bout of insomnia last week.  Actually it was bead-somnia.  As I lay awake trying to calm my mind, all I could see when I closed my eyes were the 15/0 seed beads threading one at a time on to needle and thread to some non-existent musical rhythm.  So, I would get out of bed and bead until I was too tired to keep my eyes open.

This necklace has been a tough project because I wanted it to be so much more and have lots more things attached to it.  I threaded on many temporary pearls, baubles, stones and nothing seemed to work.  I wanted it to be adjustable, but the hook didn't look finished enough and the multiple button/pearl style was looking weird when it was on.  Finally, I decided to KISS it (Keep It Simple Stupid) and I am much happier with the outcome!  I have to thank Barbara at the Bead Boutique for suggesting the bead-and-loop clasp on this necklace.  I immediately shot the idea down because I wasn't sure how secure it would be, but it was the best solution.

This guy is 21.5 inches long and $190.00.  It will be living at the Grove Gallery Co-op in the month of October for the themed group show.  I am trying to make a goal of filling the jewelry case in there with golds, bronze and coppery pieces for part of the poem that is the theme of the October show:

"To Autumn" by John Keats

"Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;"

Here are a few earring ideas to match this necklace (I sold the original original stripe beaded blob already but am finishing another pair right now):

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Made to Match

I am pretty flexible when it comes to commissions and when you ask me to make something, I try to take care of it pretty quickly.  Shortly after Deb bought my Green "Leaves Between" bangle she asked for earrings and a pendant to match. 

I have struggled making necklaces because I don't like to string beads as much as I enjoy weaving with them.  I very recently have made 2 simple pendants and put them on light chains.  I have sold both of them, and I'm making their loops large enough to place on any chain (I know I have quite the collection of chains at home so I'm only carrying a few).

Up until then I thought of only making simple single drops into pendants.  Not for Deb!  She asked for something with 3 leaves layered together, so I went with it and I love the outcome!  I think they need to be on heavier chains than I have been showing my pendants on, so here's a few pictures before they go to their new home:

I don't have a great image of the bracelet but here you go (thanks Scroggins for pointing out the incompleteness of this blog post!):

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Old Town Detox

I had a lovely meeting this morning with Katie over at the Lansing Arts Council.  We are planning a Social Media Seminar on getting artists to promote themselves, so look out for the upcoming invite to that.  After we met I did some wandering around Old Town since I don't get over there very often. 

I generally start by picking up a bag of popcorn over at Cravings Popcorn.  This time I got the Buffalo Cheddar flavor, yum!  It's not going to last the day in my house.  Cravings also has a fun selection of various sodas.  For flashback purposes I bought a Jones Soda, Cream Soda (I drank a lot of Jones Soda in high school).  I then walked over to the new Antique Store across the street.  Lambs Gate is in Grand Ledge and they have opened a nice little store in Old Town too!  I have been looking for old beat-up frames to do some more pieces similar to "Clambering" and haven't had any luck until today!  I found 2 frames that are smaller than the one I used for the original piece, but since I will be doing a lot more beading, they're perfect.

I went around the corner to October Moon which is worth it to just smell all of the wonderful soaps and candles.  It's a great reminder for me to walk around in there in case I have to pick up an impromptu gift.  Plus the selection of Hobo Purses in every color are wonderful!  (I'm not normally "into" purses but I love Hobo)  Then my last stop for my little jaunt was of course Grace.  She has been getting in wonderful things for the fall.   I just love how she blends her boutique with vintage.  Unfortunately that was just a functional purchase.  I saw that she carries Invisibelts which remain smooth so that it doesn't look like you're wearing a belt with a big chunky buckle.  I have regretted not having one of these in my wardrobe too many times while getting dressed so I pick one up from her today. 

Now, back to the photoshop and beadwork for me today.  Although I have the strong desire to hop into a new sculptural piece with one of my new frames, I have a necklace commission to finish that's been hanging over my head!

Sidenote: Lamb's Gate has a Facebook Fan page, CLICK HERE.  And they encouraged me to send photos of any work I do with something I purchased from them.  Apparently they send people to artists that use old antique pieces quite often.
And when in Old Town make sure to visit Absolute Gallery (awesome artwork!), Spin Street for your bike and Polka Dots for any type of lampwork bead you may need!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Have you heard about Jeanologie XX/XY Boutique?

New to East Lansing's growing collection of locally owned stores and boutiques: Jeanologie

Located on M.A.C. Avenue around the corner from Mad Eagle and Lou & Harry's. 

Michelle has asked me to make some jewelry to go with the styles that she is currently showing in her store.  This is going to be a fun side project for me.  Some things will be far more simple than what you have been seeing from me lately.  I did start to cross over to that "more simple" line by beginning to make a necklace geared toward sterling silver chain.

Here is what I dropped off to Michelle today:

I'm sorry about the lousy picture that's laid out on top of her glass case.  She also has other fun jewelry so I won't  have to be stocking her store as a full time business and have time to play with my larger beaded blob (pictures to come!). 

So now I will be adding some bling!  Look out for swavorski crystals, glass pearls and a bit more simple color arrangements.

Follow Jeanologie on Facebook!

Or on Twitter:

Friday, July 30, 2010

Hanging with MargaBeth Cibulka

MargaBeth has become a good friend of mine since we were first introduced during the planning stages of Grove Gallery Co-op.  She has been an East Lansing/Williamston local for longer than I should even mention and her home-studio out in Williamston is too much fun not to go visit and have an art-infused play-date.

I biked out there on Wednesday (50 miles total) with my laptop, beads and camera to help her take some recent photos of her work so that we can share them via the Grove Gallery website and I'm posting a few of them here!

MargaBeth is a fused glass artist who does things out of the box.  From my understanding some glass is compatible and some isn't.  Since most of what MargaBeth uses is all recycled glass it can be somewhat hit-or-miss.  She turns her pieces into wonderful linkages, outdoor art, and wall art.  Come see some of her newest work (and her smaller studio space) over at Grove Gallery Co-op in East Lansing!

Also she hosts "Art for the Soul" at her house at the begining of December every year.  Her purple house, barn and collection of artwork is enough to drive out for the event.  Plus she makes really yummy Glug!  The Art for the Soul Facebook page will be updated as it gets closer!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Leaves Between Bangle and a little Lucite

Normally, I hate using any sort of plastic beads or accents in my jewelry.  I don't really have anything against it (there are some amazing pieces out there using plastics), I have just had a preference for glass beads over the years and am slowly working into more use of gemstones and pearls.

Sometimes I purchase a bead with a "maybe I'll use it" or "just in case I run out of ideas" purpose.  The lucite flower in this new piece was purchased just in case it would look good as a necklace accent for my wedding.  I bought one in this off-white and one in lavender from the Bead Gallery in Ann Arbor.  It sat amongst lavender pearls and antique seed beads until after our wedding when it was then sorted back into my stash.

After my failure piece with the tan base I was determined to make something in lighter colors.  White generally isn't my thing, but I have been seeing so much white this year in summer fashion along with the wedding blogs I still like to follow for inspiration that I decided I needed to give it another go.  As I began picking pieces in whites this flower popped out at me and became a focal point for this piece.

I personally think it turned out stunning.  Rather bridal looking, but I would/will wear it casually too, it would look great with a little black dress and a pearl necklace.  "Leaves Between" in Bridal White is making it's debut today at the opening of the Ann Arbor Art Fair in the Ann Arbor Fiberarts Guild booth, so if you're down there, go check her out!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pixel and Hank Inspiration for my Bangle Fix!

This is more of what I was going for with the failure-bangle that was in my last blog.  I had to find a better focus for color inspiration and what better way to find it then buying a new hair piece for myself!  I had been watching this pretty hair clip on for a while and decided that it would go with the dress I'm wearing to an event this month. 

I actually came across a hair clip in the usual round-about way of internet surfing.  I love keeping up with the Tell Tale Photography Blog (  Melissa's photos are always so amazing.  She did a photo shoot with Pixel and Hank, posted them on her blog, and the photos were so great I had to wander over to the Pixel and Hank Etsy Shop: from there I found and fell in love with the Shirley Hairclip!

I sat on this one for a while though, I didn't have the right outfit to wear it with, I just loved the colors.  Well, I found the perfect brown summery dress and within about a week my first Pixel and Hank hairclip was mine!  I normally don't like to bother doing my hair, but I have a feeling I may get a hankering for another one.  Also check out Pixel and Hank's Blog:  They do wonderful pieces for weddings among other events.

Anyway, purchasing the Shirley hair clip was the answer to my desire to use these wonderful fuschia (or magenta) beads that I have and I will be hanging on to this one for a minute so I can wear it with the outfit it is to go with.  Maybe I'll get around to getting a photo too.

Now, back to business as I prep for the Ann Arbor Art Fair with the Ann Arbor Fiberarts Guild (we're about at the corner of East Williams and State Street).  I made earring cards today!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Color Choice FAIL.

I picked up these dyed fuchsia stones while we were in Rome and have been dying to do something with them.  I need to make another "Leaves Between" Bangle after the green version sold at the Okemos Art Walk this past weekend and I figured, why not try it with this fuchsia stone with some tans?

As it was coming together I keep looking through my bead stash to find something that will work better for it.  Hrm.  This is what I started with:
As the project grew I was trying to stick to brown, tan, black, with fuchsia accents.  It continued to not work at all like I had planned.  My friend Abigail helped give me some suggestions: take out the black, add more brown, different sized/shaped beads....  I was determined to finish it while we were in the Upper Peninsula this weekend visiting friends.  But alas.  Sunday is when I decided it was best to stop beading on it.  I would put it on my wrist, crinkle my nose and pick something else to add.  Normally more is more to me (bigger, better, more bling, more visual excitement), but I guess sometimes more is worse.  Even the bead pile is unhealthy looking!

At the end of this exercise in "lets try something completely different than my norm," I decided that sticking to similar color tones is part of what is making these bangles work for me.  Maybe if I used a dark brown base, or a black base of the same tone as the fuchsia stone it would blend together and be less of an eyesore.  This will go into the "UFO" (UnFinished Objects) pile until I get the patience to take it apart to re-use it's pieces.  I'm moving on to a new piece that won't be so frustrating! 

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Meet Danielle

I have discovered that not only is it nice to have a kitty companion around the house to talk to while I create, but I take for granted how wonderful she is about tip-toeing around my piles of creativity.  She never, spills, eats, poops, or moves my beads.  Yarn and shoes may be moved around at night but really she's just into laying next to me while I bead and being cute.  It's hard to stay angry around this very tall, snuggly, vocal kitty.  Especially when you hear her loping to the back door when you're turning the key to come and greet you.  Yes, my cat greets people.  Please give Danielle scrubs.

These beads? I'm keeping them warm.

I'm not so sure about your color choice.

I should put up her past Halloween costumes at some point, any ideas for her 2010 costume??  Meow.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Findings in Ann Arbor

I love to hit up bead and yarn stores.  Normally I do this when we travel so I have an assortment of fun supplies at hand.  I also try not to stress myself out about running out of a certain bead or yarn.  There's always more beads and yarn to replace that hole in my stash once it's gone.

Recently we had some down time in Ann Arbor and my friend Linda had suggested to me that I go to Findings and check out their seed bead selection.  If you love working with seed beads, then you have got to check out this store!  I thought I was in heaven, tubes and tubes of neatly organized beads by color, size, type of bead and a huge delica selection.  I'm so happy to have found a place that I can find the proper delica color in a pinch. 

Findings has been around for a while actually.  I remember it being over in the area where the Trader Joe's is now.  They had a smallish shop, and being a student I rarely made the drive out there, and there was the Bead Gallery right downtown near where I worked. Findings is now over off of Jackson Road, parking is abundant and the shop is not only huge, but well organized.

These two bead stores in Ann Arbor will give you a fantastic range of what you may be searching for to start or finish your next bead project.  I highly recommend Findings for you seed bead selection and threads.  They also teach classes in the back room so make sure to check out their website.  The Bead Gallery is great for it's location, right in downtown Ann Arbor and also has tons of fun beads.  I personally go there for their array of gemstones.  As always happy beading and happy bead shopping!

I keep seeing all of this wonderful yellow/tan/white mixes!  We'll see what comes of those colors!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fresh Earrings

2010 has been a major shift for me in the style of my beadwork.  Somewhere between my workshop with Huib Petersen and our Europe trip I got the itch to really make a change.  I have fallen in love with dyed freshwater pearls and am jut having a great time playing with them in these little earring samples. 

This design though is definitely inspired from a very talented artist who I was close with in college.  Ellen has just gotten her first Etsy Shop up and I encourage you to check her work out:

Coffee Filters and a Drop Spindle

I remember being very young and standing in Jeanne's living room trying to spin something on a drop spindle. I hated it. I couldn't ...