Tuesday, February 18, 2014

More on Weaving Yardage: Video

Not only did I get to do a ton of beading this morning, but I also got back to weaving on my yardage.  I decided to do a a video because the only video I have of myself weaving is doing double weave pick-up, which make weaving look really tedious.

Weaving off yardage is a little more relaxed.  Also, because I'll be cutting this fabric up, I'm not stressing out about perfect selvages.  I'm just enjoying the process.  There's a close-up image of the start of this weaving on my blog HERE.


Friday, February 7, 2014

So Many Projects, claiming my time

On Wednesday night I was finishing up scanning final drafts and packaging up submissions to the Handweaver's Guild of America exhibits my iTunes on random shuffle and "Timelines" by Motion City Soundtrack came on.

"It's not a matter of time, it's just a matter of timing."

Rang heavy through my ears.  I've been trying to finish my Halloween costume to get it to a point where it can be photographed and submitted by the 26th. This song was a reminder that I do not have to finish this piece for this year, I can submit it in 2016.  I'm constantly issuing myself extreme deadlines and then feeling guilty abut not getting something in, or worse, not finishing it to the quality that I want it to be at.  I did wear this for Halloween, but it was missing all of the red and a lot of interior finishing.

 I also rarely think ahead on pieces that I may be able to submit to exhibitions. All I had in mind for this was it being my Halloween costume, it just kept getting larger and more involved. So when I decided to finish this piece for exhibit, I didn't realize is that the wearables require a 8 inch x 8 inch "touch panel" with the submission. (I will never forget this by the way). If this was a woven or dyed piece, I could make extra and finish it off, however, this 8 x 8 touch panel requires more cutting, sewing and beading.  Maybe about 10 more hours of work (I hope).

Plus we set up an office for me, resulting in this on my sewing table collecting piles which the desk once held:

And still more re-organizing where the desk was:

For me, certain things need to be in place in the space that I am working in so I can work with ease. Hence, not wanting to break away from other works to clean, for, more work...

I have a difficult time working on one project at a time straight through.  I am so sick of stitching red beads on to the piece that I was trying to finish for the 26th submission.  I decided that on the costume, all the red areas would be red seed beads.  It's coming along wonderfully.  However, I want to weave:

(and I need to dye more black for the weft on this guy).

Keep on top of my beaded sculpture parts:

(Isn't it nice that the desk has a beading project tray that you can slide in and out?!)

I have a wedding bracelet and hairpieces that I'm excited to get to:

I need to meet with a customer about a commission bangle which involves me creating such a bangle in a totally new way (focus on smaller beads):

Ooooo, and I started another Pattern Play Bangle because I am seriously missing the one that is out at an exhibit in Tennessee:

And there's always the issue of Danielle lounging around tempting me to have a nap time.  I didn't, but this is evil (I love naps).

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Magnetic Pin Cushion Tool Upgrade

I have had the pleasure of doing a lot more sewing and continually becoming more comfortable with my sewing machine.  I feel like as I use something more, I want more accessories for a new technique or piece of equipment.  I restrain myself until I'm really using something a lot though.  For example, I still haven't learned a lot about my DSLR camera, thus I will not be purchasing any fancy lenses until I have a full-understanding of this tool, but I'm really attracted to macro lenses and something for further away. All in good time.

The magnetic pin caddy is something I've had my eye on, but it seemed silly to spend $17-$20 on one when my pin cushion works just fine.  I keep noticing that others have them at workshops and when I wander around JoAnn's they catch my eye, but I just didn't have a good excuse to get one.

Then, over the holidays my husband and I were doing a total overhaul of our master bedroom which results in many, many, many trips to the hardware store.  While wandering around Home Depot, I came across the pseudo-stocking-stuffers area and there was a set of 3 magnetic trays by Husky for $5.  I didn't even have to think about whether or not it was worth the $5, I just put them in the cart.

These trays are actually even better than the ones I kept eyeing at JoAnn's.  The magnet is exposed, on the back and is extremely strong.  I like this because you can hold it over your carpeting after a pin and needle spill, and it picks them up.  Also, I have been adding beading to a heavily stitched piece and have been moving it around the house on my ironing board.  These trays not only stay attached to the ironing board while I'm moving it, but they are also strong enough to hold the fabric on to the ironing board so it doesn't move around.  I came across this by accident, and it's amazing. I'm no longer awkwardly pinning my work to the ironing board.

The only downfall of this product that I can find is that the magnet might be too strong for some applications.  Most of my needles may now be magnetized, I wouldn't lay my credit cards near it, that sort of thing.  But I am glad I ran into these before getting all accessorized from the overpriced items in the sewing isle.

Now back to beading...although some things call for bead embroidery, this is a gentle reminder-to-self that I've got about 20+ more hours to go on the beading details of this piece.  I stitch down every single bead, and that's my own anal-retentive issue, but it's much much slower than my usual peyote stitching.  I'm also really tired of looking at red seed beads.  I'll be switching it up, hopefully, soon.  The back looks nice and neat at least.

Coffee Filters and a Drop Spindle

I remember being very young and standing in Jeanne's living room trying to spin something on a drop spindle. I hated it. I couldn't ...