Thursday, July 26, 2012

Forest through the Trees: part 6, woven "trees" panel

I know it may appear that I have been slacking in July, it's really been slacking on blogging.  July has been a busy month and I cannot believe we are at the end of it!

Since I've finished the first panel of "She Can't See the Forest Through the Trees" I've been trying to focus on the next two panels.  The middle panel is strips of St. Petersburg Chain stitch which represents the "trees" in this piece.  I am playing with various sized seed beads and beginning to mix colors for a more blended look on some of the "tree" strips.

This has led me to playing with various sizes and types of seed beads.  The above diagram is largest beads on the left (Size 6/0 are the biggest) and smallest on the right (Size 15/0, which is what I usually use for my lariat necklaces).  I prefer to work with Miyuki and Matsuno brand beads as they are a high quality and for the most part consistent in shape.  I did, however, purchase a cheaper brand called Ming Tree which is what is labeled "Irregular Seed Beads."  I wouldn't normally use these beads in my jewelry due to the fact that they are not at all consistent in shape and therefor is hard to make fit together properly.  I do like the different texture they are providing for the "tree" strips in this piece, so I will continue using them for that.

I am just starting to hang my strips to see what other sizes I will want on hand to work with.  I really love the feel of the larger seed beads so they are top on my list to order more.  The above image is the weaving behind the strips that I'm starting to weave together.  When I actually hang it, they will be spaced apart much more (this photo they are right up against each other).  As you can see, I have a lot more strips to make.  Hence my lack of keeping my blog up-to date.

This activity is made possible in part by a
grant from the Arts Council of Greater Lansing

Friday, July 13, 2012

Forest Through the Trees: part 5, Edging on the Weaving

Just today I realized that I have not posted photos of the beaded edging actually being sewn on to the weaving.  It feels like I have been working on finishing the second edging for weeks now that the first edging is stitched on. Today, I am trying to finished the beading so that I can work on sewing it on today and this weekend. 

These photos are what the first edge looked like being pinned on.  I hope to get better photos of the edging (both of them) on and some better close-ups soon.  It really adds another dimension to the weaving, as I had hoped.  I am thinking about using this beaded edging techniques on my weavings in the future.  The only problem is that they take so darn long.  I'm estimating that these edges are taking about 30 hours, each.  I wish I could bead faster!

My other "excuse" for lack of updates and not having this done already is I have been working on an application packet for the River Gallery's "10 Under 40" Exhibit.  I have the worst time with artist statements and I had to spend a lot of time with that and getting my resume down to 2 pages.  Luckily I already had great photos from Luke, so that was a huge weight lifted!

Back to work on "She Can't See the Forest Through the Trees" today and into the next week.

This activity is made possible in part by a
grant from the Arts Council of Greater Lansing

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Uprooted I, part 1

Of my large grant projects, I have been working on two at the same time.  Structurally they are very different.  "She can't see the forest through the trees" has many portions of it that I can work on while I am on the move.  "Uprooted I" does not.  It's pretty focused to being beaded, drilled into and sanded while I am at home because of it's awkward shape and some fragile parts that don't travel well.

If you've been following me on any social media, you've probably had an opportunity to see a photo of this 3-D beaded undulating tentacle that I have been working on for some time.  The first one is finished and has a spot in it's root-base.  The second beaded piece is well on its way.

I have been collecting and saving large roots for bases and starting points to make beaded sculptures.  The grant that I received from the Arts Council is the push I needed to start in on these pieces because, well, they're large and very time consuming.  I'm glad to finally be working on them!!!!

Coffee Filters and a Drop Spindle

I remember being very young and standing in Jeanne's living room trying to spin something on a drop spindle. I hated it. I couldn't ...