Friday, July 13, 2012

Forest Through the Trees: part 5, Edging on the Weaving

Just today I realized that I have not posted photos of the beaded edging actually being sewn on to the weaving.  It feels like I have been working on finishing the second edging for weeks now that the first edging is stitched on. Today, I am trying to finished the beading so that I can work on sewing it on today and this weekend. 

These photos are what the first edge looked like being pinned on.  I hope to get better photos of the edging (both of them) on and some better close-ups soon.  It really adds another dimension to the weaving, as I had hoped.  I am thinking about using this beaded edging techniques on my weavings in the future.  The only problem is that they take so darn long.  I'm estimating that these edges are taking about 30 hours, each.  I wish I could bead faster!

My other "excuse" for lack of updates and not having this done already is I have been working on an application packet for the River Gallery's "10 Under 40" Exhibit.  I have the worst time with artist statements and I had to spend a lot of time with that and getting my resume down to 2 pages.  Luckily I already had great photos from Luke, so that was a huge weight lifted!

Back to work on "She Can't See the Forest Through the Trees" today and into the next week.

This activity is made possible in part by a
grant from the Arts Council of Greater Lansing

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2024 Books (and some 2023 of note)

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