Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Stockings!

I have been knitting knitting knitting this winter.  I think that I partially blame Ravelry for tons of patterns and and Addi knitting needles and how much faster I knit on them.  But with more knitting, I have in general become a faster knitter.  Check out this Addi Commercial for a funny example of just how much faster you can knit with them! :)

I was intimidated by knitting socks sometime in Middle School, the double pointed needles, the heel turn, I gave up.  So this year I decided to make new Christmas Stockings to hang by the fire.  You have seen my finished one, so here's the other.  I also am doing these cute mini stocking ornaments!  You can check the pattern out on Everwhelming Liz's Blog.  It was posted on Ravelry.com also.   They're SO CUTE! 

Thanks to the mini stocking I have officially learned "kitchenering" (where you join the toe on a sock).  The directions for the large stocking just said "close the toe."  You can find out how to Kitchener HERE.  I have also knit golf club covers (thank's to Laurie's idea and link on Ravelry).  The green and white is not for me obviously.

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Knitting and Beading Abound

The November/December Holiday Sales are over and I am taking a breather from tagging, packing, picking up, driving, inventories, re-tagging, unpacking, forgetting displays and running to the bank for change.

I have finally knit a SOCK! Actually it's a stocking so there's little pressure on making sure it fits.  And I have knit two, but I my first one I'm not in love with and I wasn't paying attention to the pattern when I was supposed to be decreasing after the heel.  It may pose as Danielle's stocking though and it looks good over the fireplace.  Can you guess which one was the first one??

There is snow on the ground, and my fall leaves themed bracelet has been re-started after I didn't like the lime green I originally had in the pattern.  I am finding that my non-repeat pattern bangles take MUCH longer.  But the up-side to it is when I go off-pattern or decide I don't like two beads that are next to each other I don't have to go and rip out two rows to correct it.  It ends up so small I can simply change the original color and blend the "mistake" in.  I think this one is going to have a lot of personality as it takes a life of its own.  I have this and one other bangle to make, then I am free to begin my venture into Precious Metal Clay (PMC)!
Look out 2010, there's going to be some changes made to the bangles in my next line!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Art for the Soul, December 5!

This weekend is my last official holiday show!

Art for the Soul is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!
It will be hosted at MargaBeth Cibulka's fabulously colorful home at 6177 Zimmer Rd., Williamston, MI.

Saturday, December 5th 2009: 10am-5pm

Check out the flier above or we're on Facebook.

I'll see you there!

Weaving and Life Update

I'm close to the end of my "Yes And" weaving commission. I can see the end of the cartoon and the warp. I was on a roll weavin...