Friday, September 5, 2014

Japan Vacation: Kyoto

Beautiful little shrines everywhere.

This was my hotel for 3 nights, great deal and a helpful staff.

Ice cream! I got the shaved ice strawberry thing.

Golden Pavilion. It's amazing!

I hit so many shrines walking back through Kyoto from the Golden Pavilion.

Such wonderful silks are woven here.

Weaving silk, probably about 100+ ends per inch.

Winding silk off of the silkworm cocoons.

Kimono fashion show.

Writing and birding at the Imperial Palace park.

Kyoto's traditional food.

Nino Castle (it has nightingale floors that chirp when walked on to alarm you that someone is in the building).

Nijo Castle gardens.

Must take your shoes off!

Imperial Palace

I just loved this painting with the bull, kitty and mouse.

Sento Gardens in the Imperial Palace compound, definitely worth seeing. (Better than the Imperial Palace tour.)

Waterfall over a single stone.

All of the rocks behind me were brought in by hand.

Shrine to a Japanese poet.

Praying mantis with red eyes!

Breakfast to-go heading out of Kyoto to Hiroshima.

Train station.

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