Monday, February 14, 2022

Joy: Quiet

The cats are fed; I sit at my loom, the heddles tinkling together, crunching of paper, roll of the spools on my shuttles, the quiet of winter outside....

I used to listen to music all of the time, maybe it was to distract my brain so it would stop spinning out and just focus on what I wanted to work on. I don't need to do that now, I'm focused and in love with my life and my studio space. Sometimes music helps motivate me, but when I'm already motivated, particularly in the mornings, I enjoy the quiet. 

Since it's Valentine's Day I feel compelled to bring up how wonderful my fiancĂ© is, he allows me to have my space and my quiet when needed. I've always struggled with living with others, I just wanted to be left alone. After I got divorced I figured I was just unable to live with another human ever again, and then I met Bryan. He moved in after 9 months of dating and is fine that our schedules don't line up and probably glad that he also has his alone time. His presence is not demanding, but gentle, kind and quiet. 

I have so much going on in my head (that is rarely quiet), so many projects, to-do lists, dreams and what-if's. Bryan doesn't get angry when I don't hear a thing he said because he can usually tell when I'm off somewhere else.  He silently watches me bead and stitch next to him on the couch in the evenings and clearly notices what I'm doing and the various choices I make as I'm creating.  My artwork flourishes and he provides educated critiques when I'm stuck on color or design. I have to say that having a partner that understands how necessary the peace and quiet is to me is of the utmost importance. 

I also remove myself from social media and will often leave my phone outside of the studio when I am working.  Even though I have it on silent, the compulsion to pick it up and look at notifications is difficult for me to manage. Texts, emails, social media is all noise that can take over my need for quiet. My days off and free time go better, happier when I remove myself from my phone. 

I have found that having the evening shift for my department at work gives me my mornings that I need for creativity to flourish in my quiet time. Quiet=Peace

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