Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fiber Feast 2012 with the Ann Arbor Fiberarts Guild

This past weekend I spent 2.5 hours tagging the jewelry that I had left after the NTGM 2 Day extravaganza and headed to Ann Arbor in the wee hours of Saturday morning to set up at Wastenaw Community College for Fiber Feast. 

Fiber Feast is put on every year by the Ann Arbor Fiberarts Guild and it is a SUPER fun event. The event is focused around a Fashion Show and Luncheon with door prizes at intermission.  There is opportunity to shop at the begining and at the end of the event from those guild members who decide to sell.  Normally I sell jewelry and help with set-up and tear down, however, this year I had made a piece for runway (the Red Leaves and Lace Tunic) so I was modeling that for the show.

They were also using me as a model back-up and I was lucky enough to fit into Michelle Moenssen's beautiful hand dyed, original pattern skirt. (Below).

I would say that my tunic was definitly a success, now to decide where I should wear it out to next!

All photos in this blog post are compliments of Jeanne Sarna of Page Additions. Thanks Jeanne!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great work, looks beautiful.
großartige arbeit, schaut wunderschön aus
lg sabine

2024 Books (and some 2023 of note)

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