Tuesday, March 12, 2013

"In Progress" Double Weave

I've started a few blogs based on my exhibit pieces, but as requested from Rebecca, here's the "In Progress"details.

The idea behind this piece sprouted from working on "She Can't See the Forest Through the Trees."  I really love integrating text into double weave, and as I was working along on the three panels I kept telling people that I was "In progress" or "being productive but nothing was finished yet."  And this is truly how I work (luckily, as a friend pointed out to me once, I actually finish things).

Beaded edging detail on the right side of this photo.

I always have at least 4 project focuses going on at once. Usually a weaving, 1-3 beading pieces, a knitting project, and lately something sculptural. So I'm always in progress.  My poor husband deals with my collecting of "junk" for pieces that I dream up making.  He was not happy about all the dirty roots I've made him keep as he pulled them out of the yard until "Uprooted 1" was actually finished.  Now he's excited for me to make a whole army of them for a larger installation.

I'm very good at staying focused when I'm "in progress." I can sit and work on one beaded piece or weaving for 8 hours straight in the right mood. That's what the top portion of this weaving represents.  However, the words wandering off into vines and various floating shapes is me, wandering around the house, picking at a project here and there or starting something completely new.

I chose thesae colors because I believe red gives me the feeling of some sense of urgency. Particularly bright red.  I dyed the rayon to go from a fuschia color, which is a relaxed, plodding along on a piece side of me.  The urgency comes when I start mentally wandering.  I need to get my hands on something new, I've got this great idea that I have to start right now. 

I know I'm not the only artist that works this way, and we all work very differently.  Some people can relate to small portions of this weaving, others may not.  All in all, it was very well-recieved at the Opening Reception.  These pictures do not quite do the colors justice, it's quite brilliant in person.


Rebecca Mezoff said...

This is beautiful Jenny! Thank you so much for posting the photos. I love it in so many ways. Doubleweave has always been a favorite of mine too. I'm hoping to have a loom for some fabric weaving from time to time in my new studio in Santa Fe!

Jenny Schu said...

You're moving to Santa Fe?! I need to get back out there, I'll be checking your blog for updates for sure.

2024 Books (and some 2023 of note)

This is my reading pile. The weaving books are mostly reference/inspiration,  there's Shuttle Spidle and Dyepot magazines that I need to...