Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Other Blogs Mentioning Myself and/or My Artwork

Uprooted 2 (detail), Photographed by Luke Anthony Photography

On occasion while checking Google to see what comes up under my name (Jenny Schu, JennySchu etc..), I come across some gems. I really appreciate other bloggers and websites contributing comments and reactions to my work.  I often wish that when someone mentions me in a blog, they'd just shoot a link my way, however, I realize as a blogger myself, that's just a little bit extra work. So here's some links mentioning me, or even about me (programs mostly) that I want to share.

I popped up on the Lakeshore Weaver's Guild Blog from the program I presented to them in April:
Jenny Schu: Beadweaver Extraordinaire

ArgoKnot's Blog related to Convergence in Providence, RI this summer talks about "She can't See the Forest through the Trees (thank you for the wonderful compliments!):
And the Fun Continues!...

Dulcey Heller's Tumblr (this bracelet has been long-sold and Ingrid wears it, it's nice to see it popping up still):
Beautiful Plaid Beaded Bracelet from Jenny Schu

and my favorite that I stumbled across this weekend was the Buellowood Weaver & Fiber Guild's Blog:
A Visit to the Porkies for Jenny Schu - August Artist in Residence

ALSO, I was on a panel with my fiber-colleagues last night at the Ann Arbor FiberArts Guild Meeting, we were all talking about our "Fiber Journeys" and a friend of Jan Waller's talks about it on her blog:
Fraught with Meaning: 2015, Day 12

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