Monday, January 31, 2022

Joy: Skiing

I was sitting in my counselor's office a number of years ago, probably sobbing over how miserable I was and she asked me what I missed doing that I wasn't making time to do anymore. My immediate response was skiing and ska concerts. So I recommited to both of those things and it was definitely the beginning of  many lifestyle changes. The first steps towards taking better care of my mental health and happiness. 

I don't get out skiing as much as I like because of other commitments but I told myself that I could go skiing today if I got "Leaf Me Alone" finished, photographed, and submitted to the exhibit I hope it gets juried in to. I took a personal day on Saturday and worked until it was done. Today was my "oh shit it's not done" day which turned into my "Yay! I get to ski day!"  I prefer weekday mornings where there aren't that many people and no lift lines so I get more laps in than on busy days. 

I've been skiing since about 3 years old and it does make me feel young again. Mt. Holly is where I grew up skiing weekly and racing in High School. I have so many good memories of skiing with my friends and team members, singing the entire Rent soundtrack off of the chairlift with Jess and learning to ski fast by chasing boys. I turn 40 next month but I still feel fast, my leg muscles flex in ways that I don't use them otherwise and I can feel an energy in my entire body that I don't experince at any other time in my life. 

I still can't believe there was a time in my life where I didn't get out skiing.  It's such an important part of my winters and I'm thankful for every run because it brings me so much joy!


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