Monday, September 23, 2019

Paned Vines 2002

Paned Vines (like window panes) was an experiment piece that I wove in college.  I was considering how to mix double weave with plain weave in one piece and created this.  I was weaving loose, open fabrics a lot of the time back then.  The double-weave vine portions of the "panes" are woven loosely and the solid strips vertical and horizontal are the plain weave, woven tighter.  

As a lot of "experiments" wind up, I learned a lot, it's not one of my favorite pieces, but it shows parts of my development and processes as a weaver.  When I showed it for critique the double-weave portions were a jumble and almost too sheer to see the patterns.  Thus, I ended up backing this piece with black fabric to clean up the color confusion.

Currently this piece is hanging at the Haslett Library at the Bookend through the end of this month if you're local and would like to see it in person. 

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2024 Books (and some 2023 of note)

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