Tuesday, August 12, 2014

MLH Day 2 and 3: Class and Workshop Walk-about

Day two of beadweaving Russian leaf I taught my students how to close up the leaf into a pod form.

I don't have anyone cut thread until they know how they plan on using their leaves, hence the "thread spaghetti" as Marty said.

After another day of beading we got to walk around to the other classrooms:
Nancy McRay's tapestry class

Holly Brackmann's disperse dye class

Dawn Edwards eco-dyeing class

Myself and Dawn

One of Connie Lippert's students

Rosalie Neilson'a class 

Inge Dam's card-woven edge class.

Wynne Matila'a class

And the final products from my students! :

(I have no idea why this posted and then reverted back to draft form. I suspect it had something to do with my Blogger issues via my tablet.  I hope I re-did it ok)

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