Thursday, November 10, 2011

Old-ish Pattern, New Colors

I drafted out this bangle pattern after a trip to Washington DC a few years ago and then actually beaded it a year later.  It promptly sold and I never made another one, until now.  I fondly call it "Our Forefathers" because I was inspired by the tobacco leaf designs throughout the buildings on our tours.  I think it's a little hard to see in the final piece, but that was the shape I started with when doodling this out.

Anne Flora purchased the original in blue/greens and fuchsia/purples.  This new piece looks quite different from the original with it's red, orange and purple coloration that I have been using for the fall/winter.
I will have it a available for sale at the Ann Arbor Fiberarts Guild Sale this Saturday at Washtenaw Community College.  Hope to see you there!


Unknown said...

Wow these are gorgeous! Do you spend days on each piece? I wish you would make more!

xo Mary Jo

Jenny Schu said...

Thanks Mary Jo, I do spend days on the larger pieces. I had to re-do this posting to get some better photos up. Whew!

gail bart said...

Jenny, I have the purple one, but really like this, too - beautiful and meaningful. Way to go! gail bart

Weaving Update: Perception

My larger weavings take some time so it's time to celebrate that I'm past the half way point on my current word-based double weave. ...