Saturday, July 4, 2020

Yellow Long-Leaf Earrings

I've been wearing a lot of yellow the past 2 years or so.  I'm glad it's also had some staying power in the fashion world.  I recieved a mailer a few months ago with the below dress in it and I was inspired by its print from White House Black Market.

I happened to already have an earring design that I did years ago that would compliment the feel of this print, so I pulled it out along with some tubes of seed bead color ideas and started in.  The first earring I wasn't happy with (below photo lower right) and I couldn't quite pinpoint why, so I set it down for a few weeks.  I realized later that the dark brown made the earring look too fall-ish.  So I removed that color option and replaced it with silver and white to give it a brighter look. It worked.

Needless to say, I wore the finished pair the next day at work I was so pleased with them.  Sometimes the sucess is a finiahed piece but this time it feels good that I let it sit and was willing to re-do it until I got the feel that I initially wanted.  

I think I'll be keeping this pair in my persoanl stock rather than shipping it out to a gallery right away. Feel free to contact me if you're interested in them though.

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