Monday, February 27, 2017

Warp Winding for Two

Yesterday was a chilly sunny Sunday.  My place was picked up and moved around enough to start thinking about making some changes in my office and studio space.  Either way, I was going to have to move my warp winder.  I have been feeling a burst of artistic energy again.  I grabbed the warp winder and decided to plan out my next pieces.  

I had drafted a very large version of my next piece "Leaf Me Alone" and it has been feeling a bit intimidating.  So I put together a cartoon for a smaller version of it, and that's where I'm starting.  I've been wanting to use a darker variegated thread for both warps on one of these and I think the small version will be a good tester for that also.

So, I spent my Sunday winding off 4 warps for 2 projects.  It felt great to get these done.  Here's a bit about what it means to wind a warp in video format: 

Ignore my comfy Sunday lounging clothes, I didn't feel like getting too cleaned up for the internet. I get more done that way.

So math was done, ends per inch was calculated (a bit more open than packed together), below is the "cross" in my warp that I talk about in the video:

Below is the second warps (2 per weaving for double weave), which I also got wound off for the larger more intimidating piece.  Time to get to it!

Delicious piles of hand dyed rayon warps! 

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