Monday, April 2, 2012

Forest Through the Trees, part 2, Weaving

I am finally sitting at the front of my loom and into my weaving.  I think I forgot how long it took to warp a loom with this large of a project.  I've started in on the actual weaving potion of this panel.  I spent a good portion of last week and the weekend getting about 10 inches done.

The weaving technique I am using is called Double Weave Pick Up.  I am weaving two fabrics at the same time (see close-up of of the two fabrics open on the loom).  I started with weaving them individually and when I had a good start, I started in on the pattern.  The "Pick Up" part of this technique is that every time you weave, you must pick up the pattern with sticks.
Double fabric, open to show black-based fabric and brown-based fabric before starting in on the pattern.

Double fabric, closed

9 inches of the pattern woven. 
Note the pick-up sticks at the top of the photo holding up one warp.

This activity is made possible in part by a grant from the Arts Council of Greater Lansing.

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2024 Books (and some 2023 of note)

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